Friday, July 20, 2012

Totally Original Stuff!

That time we had a whole bunch of beer.  Acrylic on canvas , 16"*20" (Not to give away...)

Purple Tree.  Acrylic on canvas paper, 16"*12" Collection of KH


  1. Ooh, I like the purple tree! I hope that fits in my luggage...

  2. Oh man, I'm sorry Mike! I actually don't love this painting, I almost didn't include it, but I've had 3 requests! It is going to Newfoundland... But you can have another and / or I will paint one to order for you...

  3. No problem! You're hot in demand, and that's great!

    I'll keep looking around. While I would LOVE an original just for me, it doesn't really help your cause of reducing the paintings you already have. :)
